CACN 2022



This year’s story will follow a single family through 3 different generations of women. Each with their own struggles to face within the model minority myth, learned complacency, and the feeling of being “other” when growing up in an American society. Our story will challenge our own racialization as Chinese Americans and how we have historically been used as a wedge between other communities of color. We will cover heavier topics with mentions of hate crimes, police brutality, and American exceptionalism alongside the generational trauma faced by our three women.



Producer | Sydney Tay

Production Advisor | Mary An Nan

Logistical Director | Susie Pan

Financial Director | Charlene Kwan

Creative Directors | Jessica Dam + Zoë Finch

Production Assistants | Michele Hinh + Serena Tie

Sponsorship Chairs | Julianne Lea + Tony Jiang

Marketing Chairs | Alex Pun + Felix Zhou

Fundraising Chairs | Emma Chi + Humza Malik

Art Coordinators | Julia Wang + Katherine Wang

Outreach Chairs | Irene Chang + Sherry Tang

Music Composer | Leonard Zhu


Leading Roles

Jessie Ri as Qin Rui Yong (Grandmother)

Josephine Lu as Lily (Mother)

Nancy Nan as Melody (Daughter)

Supporting Roles

Bryant Yang as Bryan Y. Tang

Cate Tong as Ming

Isaac Yuan as Leo

Sophia Xing as Scarlett Thompson + Christina

Tiffany Deng as Evelyn

Ying Chou as Angela